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Educational Technology 

The Master of Arts in Education Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University has inspired me to reconsider the role of technology in the classroom and the best ways to ensure that students of all backgrounds have equitable access to educational resources. Over the past two years, I've learned a lot about how to make technology accessible. Part of my goal was spent earning a Graduate Certificate in K-12 Computer Science Education, with the ultimate goal of bringing coding into every subject area. On this page, I've collected the numerous projects I worked on while earning my MAET  courses.

Technology Tools 

I have learned and created a variety of digital programming tools to explore the fundamental concepts of programming, the basic mechanics of computing systems, and the connections between these concepts and instructional approaches for K-12 settings.

Image by Marius Masalar

Daily Classroom Tools

These tools can be especially useful in the daily classroom, created in my MAET journey. In this artifact, I demonstrate my capacity to code in the classroom on a daily basis.

Image by Joel Filipe

Scratch Tools

Scratch is a free block-based coding tool that can generate cool mathematical algorithms.  Here, I exhibit my skill to invent accessible tools. 

Technology Lessons 

I've devised a number of transdisciplinary workshops, such as in math, music, and art. They are not only increase students' high-level logic but also hone their practical and collaborative skills.

Unwrapping Gift Box

Sonic Pi and Sine waves

I demonstrate my ability in cross-discipline lessons using Sonic Pi, a coding tool to write music.  students will be able to accurately describe the characteristics of waves and the transformation of waves.

Image by Andrew Ridley

Tessellation and P5.js​

I created a lesson that allows students to create tessellation arts with P5.js, a JavaScript library with the goal of making coding accessible to artists.


GeoGebra Coding

A final Geometry Project: a coding lesson plan on constructing Euler's Line using Geogebra Coding. With the use of code, I exhibit my proficiency in developing mathematical pedagogical materials.

Teacher Helping Student_edited.jpg

Code Regular Polygons

This "UNPLUGGED" project helps students create regular polygons while developing important computational thinking abilities like pattern identification, abstraction, etc.

Technology challenges

Programming Console

These activities demonstrate my coding skills since I am able to demonstrate my growing comprehension of Computational Thinking (CT) and its applications using Microsoft's MakeCode Arcade.


Metagaming Project

I conducted research on Electronic Assessment for my MAET coursework. From this vantage point, I was able to assess the current predicament bilingual educators face within the American public education assessment system. I demonstrate my expertise in digital assessments in this artifact.

English Japanese Dictionary

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