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  • Writer's pictureShuaiqi Hu

Classroom Creations & Tools

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

Mild Challenge

Produce the "Hello, World!" script in Scratch.


Spicy Challenge

Produce the "Hello, World!" script in (online Python IDE).

print("\033[1;35;40m Hello world!  \n")

Produce the "Hello, World!" script in (online Python IDE).


Part 1: FizzBuzz Algorithm

The first part of the assignment focuses on developing an algorithm for FizzBuzz in plain old English.

  1. Create a sequence with the first 100 natural numbers,; {1,2,3,4,5.....,98, 99,100}

  2. If the number is divisible by 15, substitute the number with FizzBuzz, {1,2,3.4,5, .....,13,14, FizzBuzz,16,17,.......,99, 100}

  3. For the remaining numbers, if the number is divisible by 3, substitute the number with Fizz. Otherwise, keep the number. {1,2,Fizz, 4,5, .....,13,14, FizzBuzz,16,17,.......,99, 100}

  4. For the remaining numbers, if the number is divisible by 5, substitute the number with Buzz. Otherwise, keep the number. {1,2,Fizz, 4,5 Buzz, .....,13,14, FizzBuzz,16,17,.......,99, 100}


Part 2: FizzBuzz Program

Mild Challenge

Code FizzBuzz using Scratch.

Spicy Challenge

Code FizzBuss using .

# Set-up :  1-100
for natrual_number in range (1,100):

#divisble by 15 : FizzBuzz
  if natrual_number % 15 == 0 :
    print ("FizzBuzz! ")

#divisible by 5 : Buzz
  elif natrual_number % 5 == 0 :

#divisible by 3 : Fizz
  elif natrual_number % 3 == 0 :

#divisible by 7 : CEP824 Rocks
  elif natrual_number % 7 == 0 :
    print("CEP 824 Rocks!")

#print other numbers 

Code FizzBuss using .

For the Unit 3 creation, you'll create an artifact that will help you either teach a concept from your core curriculum to your students OR that allows your students to interact with your core curriculum in a new way.

Mild Challenge

Create your project using Scratch.

This tool can be used as a checker for the "Triangle inequality theorem". If It doesn't pass the triangle sum theorem, it will show "impossible to make a triangle." If it is possible to make a triangle, then it will classify the triangle type by angles using Converse of Pythagorean Theorem, Acute Triangle Theorem, or Obtuse Triangle Theorem.

Spicy Challenge

Create your project using .

#Welcome Message
print("Classify triangles by side. please input side form shortest to longest." )

side_one = float(input("Please input side one:"))
side_two = float(input("Please input side two:"))
side_three = float(input("Please input side three:"))
x = side_one + side_two
addsq = side_one**2 + side_two**2

#triangle inequality Thm
if x <= side_three :
  print ("impossible to make a triangle. Please try again. ")

#acute Tri Thm
elif side_three **2 < addsq:
 print ("It's an acute triangle.")
#obtuse Tri Thm
elif side_three  > addsq:
  print ("It's an obtuse triangle.")
#We only have right triangles left!
  print ("It's a right triangle.")

Code a List of Your Calendar Events

  1. Link to shared and completed project

  2. Link or embed a short screencast that demonstrates how your script works.

Track YouTube video views and comments

  1. Link to shared and completed project

  2. Link or embed a short screencast that demonstrates how your script works.

At 4 o'clock every day, my script will send me an email about new replies and comments on my typed youtube videos. I can add as many as videos I want onto the list.


  1. Introduce yourself!

function classroster(name, cohort, year, schoolname, greetings) {
    var welcomemessage = 'I am ' + name + ' in ' + cohort + '.This is my  ' +
   year + ' year at ' +  schoolname + ' . ' + greetings;
classroster('Shuaiqi', '9 B', '6th', 'PVCICS', 'Nice to meet you all!');
classroster('Ni', 'MAET ', '2nd', 'MSU', 'Hello:) ');
classroster('Matt', 'MAET', '3rd', 'MSU', 'Nice to see you!');

2. Draw a regular n-gon :

3.Recall - The classify Triangle project I have done was using "Recursion"!

#Welcome Message
print("Classify triangles by side. please input side form shortest to longest." )

side_one = float(input("Please input side one:"))
side_two = float(input("Please input side two:"))
side_three = float(input("Please input side three:"))
x = side_one + side_two
addsq = side_one**2 + side_two**2

#triangle inequality Thm
if x <= side_three :
  print ("impossible to make a triangle. Please try again. ")

#acute Tri Thm
elif side_three **2 < addsq:
 print ("It's an acute triangle.")
#obtuse Tri Thm
elif side_three  > addsq:
  print ("It's an obtuse triangle.")
#We only have right triangles left!
  print ("It's a right triangle.")

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